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Style meets Sustainability; Cork Flooring is the Ultimate in Eco-Chic: The Portuguese Cork Association Introduces the Natural Beauty of Cork to Toronto

Toronto, ON (Wednesday, September 29, 2010) - Toronto, a city known for its fresh, 'green' atmosphere and trend-setting design perspective, got a little more eco-chic today with the Toronto launch of the North American Decor(k) Tour at the Fall Home Show, courtesy of the Portuguese Cork Association (APCOR). Through a partnership with celebrated interior designer, Divine Design's Candice Olson, the Decor(k) Tour features stylish and innovative concept rooms that highlight the natural beauty and inherent benefits of Portuguese cork flooring.


"The choice of flooring is always an integral element in my designs," said Candice Olson. "When homeowners are building their nests, they must think about how much time will be spent on their floors and choose accordingly. Flooring needs to not only match the style of the home but also be practical and durable since it is meant to last a lifetime. Cork flooring is a perfect choice for the home because it can give you whatever look you want while remaining stylish and functional. Cork flooring is comfortable, durable and eco-friendly and comes in a variety of designs and finishes. What more could you want from your floor?"


Through the eyes of Candice Olson and her beautiful design aesthetic that is a part of the Decor(k) Tour, it is easy to see that cork flooring is the ultimate in 'eco-chic'. Inspirational designs ranging from traditional and vintage to artistic and modern, luxurious textures and shades, classic patterns and elegant finishes will show homeowners how the options available for cork flooring in North America have truly evolved. Cork has become a viable contender as the centerpiece of any home.

On the floor living
Today more and more, it seems that the floor plays a much larger role as a functional living space. In a modern day home, it isn't unusual to see a family that spends a lot of time 'living' on the floor. Small children play on the floor, teens will sprawl out with friends to do homework or play video games on the floor and homeowners often use the floor as extra seating for casual eating when couches and chairs run out during a 'girls night in' or an impromptu family get-together. The floor is also used to set up intimate, romantic champagne evenings by the fireplace or as a place to exercise, stretch or do yoga.


With the amount of time that today's families are spending on the floor, it is even more important that flooring should be comfortable, durable, hypoallergenic, healthy, stylish and highly functional. Cork flooring, one of the hottest trends in design and decor today, fulfills all of these requirements, and offers much more. In fact, modern cork flooring is the ultimate in ultra chic design and has a softer, quieter, more comfortable surface to walk on, all while being quite possibly the most environmentally friendly flooring choice. It's no wonder that designers are raving about it and recommending it to all their clients.

Cork Flooring
Cork is a very comfortable hard surface floor. It is softer to walk on and easier on the feet then ceramic tile, hardwood or laminate. Cork is more than 50 percent air, which makes it lightweight, a natural sound absorber and highly resilient. Consequently, cork often doesn't show dents or grooves the same way wood flooring can. It is also allergy free and easy to maintain - great for a healthy, safe home. Cork is a unique product that is completely renewable, 100 per cent natural and recyclable. Incredible inherent properties, including sound and temperature insulation, cushioning and water resistance provide a dazzling array of uses for cork, ranging from the creation of stoppers for wine and champagne to the fashioning of cushion-soft soles for shoes. Cork is even used to insulate various parts of space shuttles.


Cork Flooring is the Ultimate in Eco-Chic
"Cork has been around for centuries and has been used as flooring for a very long time because of its natural beauty, durability and renewability," said Ed duDomaine, Board Member of the APCOR North American Flooring Group and President & CEO of Shnier. "New finishing techniques, improved technologies and a modern-day resurgence towards the use of natural and sustainable products, especially in interior design and home decor have revived an interest in cork flooring. No other floor covering can match the combined benefits of cork."

The Decor(k) Tour
The Decor(k) Tour features a 53 foot-long mobile exhibit designed by Divine Design host Candice Olson that will visit 16 cities across the United States and Canada to educate consumers about the different styles and varieties of Portuguese cork flooring. Inside the Decor(k) exhibit, visitors will enjoy a "feet on" experience of cork flooring's unique comfort and resiliency while viewing different room layouts and flooring applications designed by Olson. Additional interactive and educational displays will allow visitors to see how cork stands up to moisture, heavy foot traffic and allergens, providing users with durable, comfortable flooring that can last years.


Following the Toronto launch at the Fall Home Show on September 30th, the Decor(k) mobile cork flooring exhibit and showroom will visit these U.S. and Canadian cities on the following dates:


Philadelphia: Oct. 16, 2010
Washington, DC: Oct. 19, 2010
Atlanta: Oct. 23, 2010
Dallas: Jan. 20, 2011 Las Vegas: Jan. 25 - 27, 2011
San Francisco: Feb. 1, 2011
Seattle: Feb. 4, 2011
Vancouver: Feb. 8, 2011
Salt Lake City: Feb. 12, 2011
Denver: Feb. 15, 2011
Chicago: Jun. 14 - 16, 2011
Los Angeles: Jun. 24 - 26, 2011


For more information about the Decor(k) Tour and the unique style and aesthetic aspects of cork flooring, visit

APCOR's mission is to represent and promote the Portuguese Cork Industry, with more than 250 members, representing around 80 percent of the total national cork production and 85 percent of all cork exports. APCOR is also responsible for promotional activities, with added value to cork, on both a national and international scale, providing, in addition, an extensive Information Resource Centre on cork.

About Decor(k)
The Decor(k) mobile showroom has been created by APCOR to tell the story of cork flooring, beginning with the cork oak and the harvest of the cork bark through to the versatility and beauty of the finished product from an interior designer's perspective. Visitors to the Decor(k) mobile exhibit and experience centre will learn how the cork oak bark is fashioned into beautiful cork flooring and will be invited to experience six different room concepts created by Divine Design's Candice Olson and featuring the very best of Portuguese cork flooring. The Decor(k) Tour will be visiting 16 cities in the United States and Canada over the next ten months.


For more information on cork flooring, photography or product samples, please contact:


Contact : Sally Byun / Sharon Hayward
DDB Public Relations
W: 416-963-4289 / 416-972-5844
E: /