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COVID-19 Policies and Operational Status

As GESCO continues to monitor the local, national and worldwide incidences of the coronavirus and the illness it causes, the safety, health and well-being of our business community is important. As we adjust our daily activities to ensure everyone’s safety our priorities are to:

  1. Maintain a safe and healthy workplace, including mitigating the transmission of contagious disease
  2. Sustain business and operational continuity
  3. Encourage open communication and concern for the wellbeing of our employees, customers, partners, suppliers and other visitors

We have implemented the following measures to ensure the above priorities are met;

  1. GESCO COVID-19 Workplace Policies – including and not limited to;
    • Provided educational material and supplies in all its’ facilities to ensure proper hygiene practices are known, and followed
    • Telecommuting for all employees where duties allow
    • Travel Protocol (both personal and business) following both CDC and Canadian Provincial and Federal Public Health Unit recommendations
    • Proactively Screening Visitors: our sites & customer locations
    • Created facility response and recovery plans
  2. Gesco continues to monitor our supply chain to ensure we mitigate the impact to our customers. We currently have over 28,800,000 square feet of inventory in our warehousing network. Our suppliers are currently running at 90% capacity and we continue to receive shipments daily.
  3. We are committed to continuous communication as we work through this time to ensure our business community is informed regarding changes to our policies as the situation develops.

Please reach out to your Gesco contact for details on any of our communicated actions and policies.

We would like to thank you for your support during this time, together we will manage through this safely and successfully.


Paul Green

President & CRO, GESCO



For more announcements regarding COVID-19 please visit: