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GESCO business continuity regarding COVID-19 (UPDATED MARCH 24TH 2020)

Dear associates, customer and vendor partners,

As the information regarding COVID-19 continues to change daily, we will continue to communicate with you regarding our operational status.

Based on legal advice we have received, we are deemed part of essential services and our head office and other facilities will remain open in all markets except for our Montréal branch, which will close as of midnight Tuesday March 24th. Any needs for the Québec market can be serviced from our Brampton hub. Our customer service department for the Québec market, based in Brampton, remains operational.

Flooring companies qualify as an essential service as supply chain suppliers to the following business channels. They are listed with their related number in the Ontario List of essential workplaces (link to the Ontario government list

  • 1. Businesses that supply other essential businesses or essential services with the support, supplies, systems or services, including processing, packaging, distribution, delivery and maintenance necessary to operate
  • 7. Hardware stores and stores that provide hardware products necessary to the essential operations of residences and businesses
  • 26. Construction projects and services associated with the healthcare sector, including new facilities, expansions, renovations and conversion of spaces that could be repurposed for health care space
  • 28. Construction work and services, including demolition services, in the industrial, commercial, institutional and residential sectors.

Regular transfer trucks from our Brampton head office to service all markets will remain fully operational.

We will also be increasing the safety measures in all our facilities, as the health and safety of our associates is of the utmost importance. Further communication will be forthcoming on what these safety measures will entail.

Please do not hesitate to contact your usual GESCO contact for any additional information.


Paul Green

President & CRO, GESCO



For more announcements regarding COVID-19 please visit: